Dedicated sport fishing addict in British Columbia. Owner/head guide at Silversides Fishing Adventures since 1996. We guide for White Sturgeon and Salmon on the Fraser River plus Fly Fishing many rivers in the region for Salmon, Steelhead and Trout.
This huge fraser river king salmon was the biggest of 2016 42 pounds makes this a true ‘Hawg’. It is one of the nicest looking Salmon we have seen come out of the Fraser River. It’s not a record for the Fraser River but it is our biggest of the season. It is however a…
Fraser river Chinooks are here! This is ‘Bar Fishing’ country! The many gravel bars on the Fraser River are ideal for this method of intercepting migrating salmon that are fresh in from the Pacific Ocean. 16 lb Fraser river Chinook The Fraser river opened on Monday September 19th for Chinook and Chum…
Fraser River Salmon Fishing OPENS September 19th, 2016 An unusually late opening that will hopefully not be repeated in 2017. Finally the Fraser river will be open to Salmon fishing on September 19th, 2016. Our highly dysfunctional Department of Fisheries and Oceans(DFO) has opened the Fraser to sport fishing for Chinook salmon and Chum…
August 13 Sturgeon Fishing Report The White Sturgeon fishing has been equal with the weather recently, as in very nice. Fishing over the past week has consistently resulted in plenty of large White Sturgeon being caught and released after a quick photo session in the shallows. Sturgeon fishing in BC requires all fish to be…
800 lb White Sturgeon caught and released August 5, 2016 on the Fraser River in Mission BC! Sturgeon this big are in the Fraser River more often than not but landing them successfully is another story. As a qualified guide you must also know where and what to use. Luck and a good guide was…
Lots of Good Sturgeon Fishing and a Salmon opening announced! Fraser Sturgeon Fishing News White Sturgeon fishing over the past 2 weeks has been stellar. We’re consistently catching big fish in the 6 to 8 foot range and a few bigger ones too. White Sturgeon fishing is going to be awesome until at least mid…
Sturgeon fishing has been just wonderful lately! Pictures and Video below We’ve been on the Fraser river doing White Sturgeon fishing charters for the last 10 days with groups of anglers all the way from England and closer to home too. The Biggest Sturgeon for the England group was 8 feet 6 inches or…
Sturgeon fishing over the past week: Fraser river Sturgeon behaviour plays a key role in success rates and over the past week we saw a shift in this. Sturgeon had moved and feeding patterns were off in some areas. Lots of boats on the river in the Mission area were struggling. Guys fishing further up…
This Massive Fraser River White Sturgeon put on a show! It was a Sturgeon to be reckoned with. A True River Monster by anyone’s definition. Not just in size but the battle was epic and certainly gruelling for this lucky angler from New Jersey! The Father – Son duo booked a Fraser River Sturgeon charter…
Sturgeon Fishing on the Fraser continues to be excellent! June has had a bad rap for being tough Sturgeon fishing. We don’t like that one bit. It’s simply not true. Case in point is that our last few trips have produced many hookups with ridiculously big fish full of piss & vinegar. That’s a term…