Sturgeon Fishing British Columbia – Best times to fish the Fraser River
Is Fraser River Sturgeon fishing productive and reliable year round? In our opinion there are always good months for Sturgeon fishing from March to November.
Our article Best Times for Sturgeon Fishing on the Fraser River BC answers the following questions:
What are the best months for Sturgeon fishing on the Fraser River?
Does Sturgeon fishing slow down at certain times?
When should I book to catch a Big Sturgeon?
When should I book for lots of action?
Don’t forget that most of our Sturgeon charters and multi day packages book well in advance. We’ve guided for Sturgeon in the Best producing location since 1996 – Mission, British Columbia. Please Contact us soon to reserve your time on the water with our pro Sturgeon guides.
Fraser River Sturgeon fishing has a remarkable reputation for providing one of the world’s most reliable Big Game sport fishing venues. That’s why so many of our clients who pursue Big Game sport fish all over the planet keep coming back here and telling us why. Our guests tell us over and over how their expectations were either met or completely SHATTERED! The main reason for the amazing fishing here is a very successful Catch and Release program since 1994. Just as important are the high numbers of big Sturgeon, prime feeding habitat, and our own exceptionally knowledgeable guides. This translates into a success rate over 99% on any single day charter and 100% on any multi day Sturgeon package.
This article focuses on this section of the Fraser river
The most productive Sturgeon fishing is just downstream of Chilliwack to Mission and Maple Ridge area. This is in the heart of the Fraser Valley BC. It’s a 40 km section of the Fraser River that’s 60 minutes East of Vancouver, Canada.

These 2 overlooked Months provide wicked fishing!:
Many anglers who want to travel here and catch that trophy White Sturgeon have heard some out dated(misinformation perhaps) that “you better book for September or October” or that Sturgeon fishing is only good when it’s mid summer T-Shirt weather. We don’t know where people get this info from so we’re going to straighten out things right now. Sure there’s very good fishing during the Fall, BUT there’s even BETTER or equally good fishing available during these 2 over looked months. That’s April and again in November(primarily Nov 1 – 21). This certainly doesn’t mean you should cancel your Sept/Oct plans. Those are worthy months. It’s just that there’s some ridiculously good Sturgeon fishing in April & November.
April is the first big feed of the year and the action is nuts. This is a time you will get action all day long on 5 to 7 footers that are jacked on the Fraser River spring smelt run! We also get 8 ft plus in April!
November is the last feed of the year and they know it. There’s a lot of BIG fish(8 to 10 ftrs) around looking to do some fattening up before Winter sets in. We know where they feed. We have what they crave.
Peak times for good Sturgeon Fishing is March 15 to November 15 but they are available year round.
For Sturgeon Bookings Info Call Brian Mack at:
Fraser River Sturgeon fishing season & best times: month by month
Covering the best Sturgeon fishing section on the Fraser River: Chilliwack downstream to Mission – Maple Ridge
January & February
Productive Sturgeon fishing will happen when milder weather rolls in and the water temp goes up by a degree or 2. It’s common for one of these trips to produce 10 – 20 fish!
You can read our Fishing Report to see if conditions are currently right for winter trips.
Lots of 3-6 footers but fish over 6 and 7 feet are also caught during this time. If you’re looking to beat the Winter blues then a January Sturgeon charter will do the trick. The boats have ‘Buddy Heaters’ to keep you warm.
» Read: February 12 Sturgeon Report article.
March Sturgeon Fishing:
By mid March things really start to change. Two key events are merging and Sturgeon are fortunately right in the middle of it.
Firstly, water temperatures are rising and secondly the annual Spring run of Smelts aka Eulachons is entering the Fraser River. This means it’s buffet time for Sturgeon! They have gone the winter with little food so gorging on these high protein, ultra fatty smelts is a absolute welcome and ‘must have’ for them! Having the right bait and fishing precise locations means you will have incredible fishing.
Our Spring Sturgeon Special is in effect for March so it’s a good time to shake off the winter cob webs and enjoy the great outdoor experience of Sturgeon fishing in the Fraser River Valley.
» Read our article on: March Sturgeon Fishing
This is Fraser river sturgeon action!
April Sturgeon Fishing:
A truly incredible fishing experience awaits those who book for April Sturgeon fishing. The Fraser River smelts(Eulachons) are in the river in full force and Sturgeon are going nuts over these highly nutritious treats!
In April 2019 we had 2 lads from England fish with us for 6 consecutive days out of Mission, BC. What they experienced totally shattered anything remotely close to their expectations of perhaps hooking a few over their Fraser River holiday. What they ended up landing was well over 80 Sturgeon in that 6 days. On day 6 they were destroyed. Arms were struggling. Even picking up a celebratory pint would have been a struggle.
» Read about their experience: April Sturgeon Fishing Report
Now is the time to start planning your ultimate BC Sturgeon package!
The remaining Sturgeon months are just below
#1 ‘Bucket List’ River Fishing!
There are few places on Earth that can deliver the consistency of getting big sport fish like Fraser River Sturgeon fishing can. You’ll be going toe to toe with one of the toughest fish on the planet! Sturgeon are known for long screaming runs that exceed 300 meters and tail walking jumps that will probably have you cussing!

- Incredible White Sturgeon fishing from March to late November
- Mission, British Columbia is the world’s White Sturgeon capital
- Catch Salmon & giant Sturgeon on same day September to November
- 100% success rates!
- Stay from 1 to 14 days
- Clean modern lodging under 5 minutes from the Fraser River in Mission BC
- Includes all premium tackle & highly experienced licensed guides
- 20 – 22 foot covered and V8 powered aluminum jet boats
- Optional airport and daily transportation available
Get our Fraser River Packages Brochure

May Sturgeon Fishing:
The first week of May sees a carry over from April’s incredible Sturgeon fishing. Then things sort of go back to normal. This doesn’t mean it’s a write off by any means. Many of our guests have caught truly massive White Sturgeon in May in the 9 foot class(400-500 lbs). Just don’t expect to hook up every 5 minutes all day long.
» Read: May Sturgeon fishing article about a magnificent 9 footer.
Starting in early May the Fraser River starts it’s annual freshet, aka the spring/early summer snow pack melt. River flows increase in speed and depth. This means we have to adjust to these conditions. So we do and thus find some very nice fish. After all, the sturgeon are still in the river. Even more importantly there’s some massive Sturgeon coming in from the Pacific Ocean in advance of their spawning season(late May to mid July).
May Sturgeon deliver a walloping fight as the water temperature is ideal.
June Sturgeon fishing
The Fraser River is usually still on the rise or cresting in early June due to the snow pack melt within it’s massive watershed. But she usually starts dropping slowly anytime from early to later June.
High water still produces rather large fish. There’s lots of true River Monsters in the Fraser during June. Monster size like 10 foot plus or fish up to 1,000 lbs(500 kg)! The only challenge due to the high water is that many of the beaches we typically use for taking fish to shore are under water. But we certainly try our best to find a convenient spot for a great shore photo.
Numbers of fish caught in June might not be high at times but quality of fish is very impressive. Catching fish every day is normal.
» Read about this: Big June Sturgeon
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July Sturgeon Fishing
A great month for hooking up with ass kicking giant White Sturgeon. We think anglers are more attracted to the nice weather or just that it’s summer break for many. But regardless there’s epic fishing.
Expectations for giant White Sturgeon in July are very high on any given day. Fresh river monsters are entering the Fraser River from the Pacific on a daily basis. They are more than happy to munch down on our select irresistible baits. Proper bait is essential if you want any form of success. We know exactly what their weakness is and rest assured we have it on board.
Many of our repeats from Europe and Canada book for July so they can wrestle with Sturgeon in the 8 to 12 foot range. Many 300 – 400 lb Sturgeon are taken every July.
» Read: Top 5 Sturgeon for July 2017
» Read: July 2018 Big Sturgeon Catches
July 'Hawgs'

August Sturgeon fishing
August Sturgeon fishing produces some great fishing especially the first 2 weeks and again the last week. Salmon are migrating up stream and whenever this happens we’re going to get some Big fish!
We have hooked and fought for hours some scary big Sturgeon in August. We never got them to the surface but having been a Sturgeon guide for 2 decades I can tell you these fish are well over 12 feet and it’s going to take a miracle to successfully land one.
The Fraser River is in full summer mode now. Water temperatures will be at their highest by mid August. The upside of this is the river is warm enough for swimming. So when we take those big sturgeon to shore for a photo we’ll cool off with a quick swim.
Catching fish every day in August is normal.
» Read this blog article: August Sturgeon Fishing Report
September Sturgeon Fishing
September is a very good month for big Sturgeon. There are many in the 6 to 9 foot range and those giant 10 foot plus are here too. The Fall is traditionally an excellent time for Fraser Sturgeon and the Chinook Salmon run is in full swing. Catching big fish every day is very common.
The Salmon are running strong now so it’s a bonus that we can catch Sturgeon and Salmon on the same day! Book your Fraser River multi day package well in advance for this very popular time.

October Sturgeon fishing
It’s magic time for a ton of feisty energetic White Sturgeon especially in the Mission BC area. Double header 7 footers? Yeah that happens! October is certainly our heaviest month for bookings and should be well planned out to obtain prime dates. October is also prime time for Chum and Coho Salmon fishing.
» Read: October Sturgeon and Salmon fishing report
— You can easily catch Salmon and Sturgeon in the same day for the entire month! —
If you can’t make October then plan for the first 2 weeks of November which provides stellar fishing with very few anglers on the Fraser.
November Sturgeon Fishing
The first 2 weeks of November are absolutely great for Sturgeon fishing. It’s almost too easy to get ’em! Why you ask? Winter is coming and the big Sturgeon are well aware of this. So it’s prime feeding time for them before the abundance of food dries up. This works in your favour!
Just like many other months November produces quality fish but also lots of fish. We get lots of big Sturgeon in the 7 to 9 foot range plus lots of 5 and 6 footers. If Winter hasn’t set a freezing grip on the region the fishing will be hot through the later half of the month.
Chum and Coho salmon are still readily available in November. Chums will run right up to the end of November!
You can easily catch quality Sturgeon every day in November!
Read: November Fishing Recap article

December Sturgeon fishing
It’s truly winter now in Vancouver and Mission, British Columbia. We will see rather good Sturgeon fishing during normal to milder weather patterns that cause water temperatures to bump up slightly. This can trigger some rather fantastic winter Sturgeon fishing. We’ve had many December Sturgeon charters that have produced 10 to 25 fish!
No need to worry about cold weather on our jet boats. They all have powerful ‘Buddy’ heaters that will keep you toasty warm!
Due to unpredictable weather patterns in December it’s best to plan out your charter on shorter notice.
Call us a few days or a week before you want to go and we will let you know if it’s worth going. 1-604-864-5445
Sturgeon charter prices
Prices are NOT per person. Licenses not included & we don't charge sales tax.
10 hr Sturgeon Charter
– May 1 to Oct 15 –
Includes all premium Big Game tackle & waders.
Trips depart from Mission, BC – World Sturgeon Capital
During intense heat we will only do 8hrs
1 – 2 ppl 1350
3 persons 1450
4 persons 1550
*** Popular ***
8 hr Sturgeon Charter
– March 1 to Nov 15 –
Includes all premium Big Game tackle & waders
Trips depart from Mission, BC – World Sturgeon Capital.
1 – 2 ppl 1095
3 ppl 1195
4 persons 1295
*** SAVE $$$ ***
8h Winter/Spring Sturgeon Charter
– January 15 to March 31 –
Includes all premium Big Game tackle & waders.
Trips depart from Mission, BC – World Sturgeon Capital.
2 persons 795
3 persons 845
4 persons 895
6h Sturgeon Charter
– March – December –
Includes all premium Big Game tackle & waders.
Trips depart from Mission, BC – World Sturgeon Capital.
1 person 795
2 persons 875
3 persons 975
4 persons 1075
Get Our FREE Packages Brochure
Our informative brochure includes all pricing and info for our popular Fraser River Sturgeon-Salmon holidays. Check your inbox after you hit Send.